The Church at Quail Creek

The chapel at Quail Creek brings back the epical “little white church in the dale” which is nearly a bygone era. It was erected in 2006 and dedicated to the service of God by the Church members that November.
As Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to be alone with His Father, you also may find that Quail Creek is your place to do the same…
The Church at Quail Creek invites you to come experience with us a time of simply retreating from the world and spending time with God in music and meditation to become refreshed by His Word and Holy Spirit.
Our fellowship is Christian Inter-Denominational: our statement of faith is “The Apostles Creed”.
There is no set dress code except that we want you to feel relaxed. Please bring family and friends for a visit!
Our Sunday mornings begin with a continental breakfast at 8:45am. Our Services begin at 10:00am Sunday morning. We mingle both traditional and contemporary music styles into a blended worship time that all ages can appreciate and enjoy.
Discover with us the meaning of “Resting in Him” and enjoying His Presence this Sunday morning.
Enjoy the Peace and Serenity of our Prayer Garden. The beauty of God’s Creation surrounds this little piece of property. Beautiful flowers adorn the garden during the Spring and Summer months, bringing reminders of God’s love and tenderness to those who seek a refuge from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day activities.
The GARDEN OF EDEN is where it all began. Man disobeyed God and partook of the forbidden fruit, and all of mankind suffered as a consequence. But then, Jesus, the Son of God came to Earth to redeem mankind. He prayed in the GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE “not my will but Yours be done.” You know the story, how Jesus died on the rugged cross to save mankind. But three days later, he rose from the grave, from a tomb that was located … IN A GARDEN.