A concerned parent came to our pastor one day with a startling observation. “Do you know that our kids are growing up in church without knowing all of the Bible stories we learned as kids?” It was a sobering reality. We determined from that moment on that we, as a church, would do all we can to make sure that no child grows up in our assembly without hearing all of the important stories of the Bible throughout their younger years. With this thought in mind Pastor Nail decided to take the entire congregation through a 3-year series which promotes all of the major stories and characters of the Bible. Using “The Gospel Story Bible” as our frame of reference, we have consistently stayed on course with this Family Bible Study guide so that parents can follow up with their children in their private devotions. In this series, all the major stories of the Bible are given due emphasis in both Old and New Testaments over a 3-year period. No child (or adult, for that matter) who attends our services regularly can say that there’s a story in the Bible that is completely “unfamiliar” to them.
John 5:39 “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”