At the Church at Quail Creek we make Children’s Ministry a priority. Why? Because, we take the words of Jesus seriously when he said “Suffer the children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.”
We offer Children’s Ministry during our Sunday Morning worship services for both Pre School and Elementary age children. In addition to our Sunday morning children’s ministry, we also offer a midweek ministry opportunity on Wednesday nights that we call “Covey Kids.”
In our Wednesday Night “Covey Kids” program (6:00pm-7:30pm) we enjoy a fellowship meal together, and a time of recreation and “fun & games” followed by training in the word of God. Covey Kids teaches children the books of the Bible, scripture memory verses, New Testament truths and stories, and we always pray together for our family members and friends who have needs.
The Lord is my Shepherd – Psalm 23…as told by The Covey Kids